
· Co-Lab

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· Global approaches
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· Phobia Therapy
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· Together, we will write
· Übertritthilfen
· (Un-)Making Futures
· Urban Data Objects
· Urban Living Labs

a design ethnographer interested in the built environment and how communities make sense of a world in change.
Currently, i am researching at the Academy of Art an Design Basel and doing a PhD at Leuphana University Lüneburg. I have a background in integrative design, experimental typography and media studies.


Urban Data Objects
FH Potsdam

Every year the Bertelsmann Foundation publishes the Social Justice Index. The cross-national survey comprises 27 quantitative and eight qualitative indicators, each associated with one of the six dimensions of social justice: 1. poverty prevention, 2. equitable education, 3. labor market access, 4. social cohesion and non-discrimination, 5. health, and 6. intergenerational justice.

We wanted to confront and disrupt people from their daily routine. Thus we brought the data back to where it came from — the public space. For each of the 10 data sets we selected its appropriate medium and place in the city.
FH Potsdam
Interface Design

Mario Klemm
Thomas Miebach
Philipp Strixner-Weber
José Rodríguez